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SELENIUM-TestNG - Prioritizing the tests

Managing Priorities in TestNG 

Prioritizing the tests using TestNG and Enabling, Disabling the Testcases & adding Time.

package packTwo;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterTest;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeTest;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class DependenyAnnot{
public void OpeningBrowser()
System.out.println("Executing Opening Browser"); 
@Test(dependsOnMethods={"OpeningBrowser"}, alwaysRun=true) //If Flight Booking Method depends on Opening Browser Method. Even if OpeningBrowse testcase fails but you still want to execute FlightBooking testcase then use command alwaysRun =True
public void FlightBooking()
System.out.println("Executing Flight Booking");
@Test(timeOut=5000)//If a TestCase is required to complete in some time, here if complete execution does not happen in 5000 millisecond script will fail.
public void Timerelated()
System.out.println("Time TestCase");
@Test(enabled=false) //If you don't want to include any Testcase into the report OR don't want to execute the Testcase.
public void Payment()
System.out.println("Executing Payment");
